Donations: IN CASH: consigned in the Davivienda Bank, Savings Account 086 10003070-8 in the name of the Alejandra Velez Mejia Foundation, or taking your donation to Calle 22 No. 21-48 Of. 303 and 304 Plaza Building. IN SPECIMEN: taking your donations to Calle 22 No. 21-48 Of. 303 and 304 Plaza Building.
Sponsoring the Alejandra Velez Mejia Foundation monthly with the amount of your choice.
Sponsoring any of the workshops, activities or programs that take place in the Institution.
Being part of the project “SWEET JESUS MINE” – Christmas Gifts.
Multiplying the information about the Foundation with all your contacts in Social Networks.
As a COLLABORATOR participating in the activities programmed by the Institution, being part of the logistics in directed and punctual functions.
Donating your professional services.